It’s freezing. Again. Wtf. I will tell you that two days ago my children were running around in bathing suits begging me to turn on the air conditioning, and today I have a sweater on and wore one of my winter jackets outside. How awesome. This is a day that calls for cake. A good,…

Feels like spring, let’s eat a strawberry cake

There is a thousand inches of water just about everywhere I look in Chicago. And everywhere there isn’t, there is a thousand pounds of dog crap, mainly because I am only looking in my backyard right now. Awesome. This however, means spring is finally f’ing here.  I can smell it (though not in my yard)….

I will be the first to admit that I have a problem with gluten free. I immediately walked past the aisle in the grocery store, I would laugh at the breads that said gluten free and I would rather suck on a penny than eat a cupcake that was gluten free (as I was certain…